Key Words:
Graphic Design | Print Collaterals | Branding Guidelines | Marketing
Target Audience:
Entrepreneurs, university students & individuals looking to start their own business
My Role:
As the lead designer during 2017-2019, my main role was to create graphics, layouts, and groundwork for both print and online mediums. Working in a small team of 5 as the sole designer during 2017-2018 my main focus was rebranding the company’s image as well as creating the branding / rebrand for major events and newly introduced events (i.e. case competitions & women in tech). In 2019, my role was reapplying the branding for annual events. In addition, I assisted many of the startups in their graphic design needs (i.e. logo design, retouching images, banner design and general inquires).
ICUBE’s neon images are meant to represent the three founding pillars of ICUBE; Inspiration, Ideation, Innovation. A light bulb is often paired with innovation and entrepreneurship and these images take that thought to the next level.
Light bulb – This isn’t your Swan / Edison bulb, this design is heavily inspired by UofT startup, nanoleaf – creators of the most energy efficient light bulb in the world!
Rockets – bubble cartoon rockets often represent startups; but this is UofT, where our goal is to help companies take off, for real. The design for our rocket is heavily influenced by UofT Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS), one of nine incubators in the UofT Entrepreneurship ecosystem ICUBE partners with.
Design Process:
Much of the work centered around working in teams and weekly meetings. Through meetings needs were determined and projects were ranked based deadlines and importance. From there as the designer, I looked into current design trends and market analysis to create potential art directions for the given graphics/events. Once an art direction was agreed upon and content provided various iterations cycles occurred where mock-ups and designs considering elements such as colour schemes, typography and design principles were presented and worked on. Once confirmed various materials for web and print needs were developed.
Working alongside a team of 5, my main goal as the designer was to create collaterals for various events to be promoted online, as well as, strategically placed in spaces for audience interaction. Through new brand guidelines, various graphics were created and altered for different platforms including print, website banners, presentations, pamphlets, booklets and social media campaigns. Through marketing, promotion and outreach efforts the company gained more recognition & events had greater turn-out compared to previous years.